Thursday, May 10, 2012


I usually hate that burning sensation on my lower lids, or that lump in my throat...but sometimes the cool drippings down my cheeks are exactly what I need. I think sometimes tears can be the best way to let your emotions out-it is often more effective than screaming- although sometimes that feels good to. It never ceases to amaze me what people can endure through out a day and how different things unravel different people. I watched my boss get beat down by a man's onslaught of words- yet she stood there and took it with a smile- granted I think that was a way for her to cover up the fact that she was grinding her teeth- but still, I stood there just listening and nearly cried! The way that the man spoke to her was completely degrading and no matter what- nobody deserves that- yet she took it in stride- I on the other hand was ready to break into tears after I was passed over for advice all day- and being used mainly as a mule- that is what i get for being 25 i guess- I hate that I am really a strong outspoken person, but that has bitten me so many times in the past- that at this job I try very hard not to speak out to often- or try to be to domineering and now that seems to be biting me in the butt! How can you assert yourself without coming off as a control freak? How can I prove that I can be a great worker, but not get used/abused? Why do people expect you to be able to do everything? Why is not ok to just have a "job"- a task that is tailored for/by you-one you can do to perfection over and over? No instead they want you to do several hundred things well- Its lunacy to me! Am I the only that feels this way? Is that why I end up having issues with everyone I work for? Is it truly me or the jobs I find myself in..?

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