Thursday, February 16, 2012

Doggy anxiety

My anxiety has really come a long way- i am getting good at saying, " it is not my fight or concern"- I am in no way saying I still don't get upset or irrational about things- I simply have gotten better at leaving it at an irrational fit and not letting it bog me down. So with so many steps forward why am I so anxious about leaving my dog for a week? I am gripped with irrational fear that something will happen to her or she will hate us for leaving her! I know she is a dog and will be fine- it really only took her a couple of weeks to fully accept us and that this her home. Will she forget that if we are gone too long? The rational part of me knows better, but the "motherly" part of me wells up with tears thinking about it! This is the first time we are leaving her... So i know it will get better- i am sure this is close to how a new mother feels when she leaves her baby...and yet I am speaking about a dog... Seriously if kids can forgive their parents for leaving them for days at a time, our dog will forgive us too- maybe that is how I should look at it- she is going to "grandma's" house- where she will be spoiled with constant attention and multiple walks a day! Maybe she will loves us more for treating her to suck a great week- ok- phew that is how to help get over leaving her and maybe calling some references ;)

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