Saturday, October 1, 2011

Back from the Road

Ok- so I made it to and from with no problem..YAY. I rocked out in my car singing my heart all the way home- haha! I really felt like myself, it was nice just to sing, listen to loud music and drive, almost like mediation, except for all the quiet. I will say though that driving long distances really makes you question the direction of human kindness. I mean really if you have your blinker on and nobody lets you over? Yes that one car in front of you will really slow you down and delay your arrival. On the flip side... you should be sure your turn signal is not still on after changing lanes so everyone behind you is not confused about what the hell you are doing. If you are going to speed..fine- i get it- its kind of fun, but don't ride my bumper just to pass me, then slow down to the speed I was already going- thank you! Oh the other absolute rude thing is when signs are telling you for 5 miles the left or right lane is going to close- so you floor it up to the absolute possible merge point and send everyone else to screeching halt to let you over..or to a screeching halt because you decided to be idiotically brave and stick the nose of your car into traffic- literally forcing your way into an opening you shouldn't be allowed's traffic rape! SHAME ON YOU! So all of us drivers should take a moment and remember to be kind and courteous so we can all enjoy our drive- singing included.

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